Greenham Common Quilt 2021
'Greenham Common Quilt' (2021) explores the history of the Greenham Common peace camp and the lives of the women who lived and protested at RAF Greenham Common, Berkshire in the 1980s. The camp primarily focused on opposing the use of nuclear weapons and campaigned throughout the 80s and continued occupying the common until the camp disbanded in 2000. Along with their nuclear disarmament campaign, the women's camp became a centre for feminist activity which spanned many liberation groups and topics. This quilt aims to highlight some of the queer feminist histories of Greenham juxtaposed with lesbophobic rhetoric from the media that aimed to use homophobia to discredit the campaigners. The Artist and the Quilt have been supported by The Feminist Libary with their extensive archive of Greenham Common, the artist has also taken inspiration from the Rebel Dykes archive and the Oral and Written histories of Greenham archived on